Dentro del plan lingüístico de centro y de la búsqueda de la mejora en la competencia lingüística en inglés, nuestro alumnado de Primaria ha tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar de dos obras de teatro según el nivel y curso interpretadas íntegramente en inglés por actores nativos del Reino Unido.

The activity will be carried out by the Tourné de Teatro, a Valencian company with which we have worked in the last years, and which offers an optimal quality in its representations, both linguistically and dramatically, and which also provides a series of previous activities for the correct understanding and use of the activity.

● (Primary 1 and 2) The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe
● (Primary 3 and 4) The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe
● (Primary 5 and 6) Hairspray, just be yourself!